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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Praise and the Growth Mindset

Has anyone thought about the effects of praise on performance? Watch this short video and let me know what you think. I feel strongly about the power of the growth mindset.


  1. Mind blown!!

    As a parent of young women, I was always conscious of praising them for their intelligence, actions and efforts but not placing heavy emphasis on their beauty since body image and appearance are such a huge issue in American society. I had never thought about or researched the difference between praising intelligence versus process/effort. Great post, Christine! Thank you for opening my mind more.

    1. Your welcome Leslie. My parents were big on praising effort. They always said that hard work pays off. You can be the smartest person in the world but if you don't know how to apply what you know with effort and common sense, the intelligence is minimized. For many of us, including our parents, it was the effort that got us where we are in life. To me, that is invaluable.
